
My heart is full.

Mi corazón esta lleno.

Meu coração esta cheio.

And my tree is full of priceless ornaments.

We put up our Christmas tree on Friday. Julia was especially eager to help decorate. At 12, she has a good eye for ornament selection and placement. Her older brother, Nathan, commented on how nice the tree looks this year.

As the kids mature, they seem to want the tree to look more stylish. This translates to their handmade ornaments from elementary school being placed on the back of the tree or back in the shoe box. I tried placing a colorful, glitterful school photo ornament front and center. It was quickly discovered and promptly demoted to a less conspicuous location. How far we have come from the days when all the ornaments were hung in a jumbled bunch about two feet up the tree!

Well, mama has a blog, so now the whole world can see these masterpieces. (By “whole world” I mean you precious handful of kind readers. I appreicate you!)

I still have an ornament my mother made for me when I was very young.

The all time family favorite is Daniel’s.

I love to wake up early and go out into the living room to see the warm white lights and the shimmering ornaments. Beautiful and peaceful. I wrap myself in a blanket, sit on the sofa and gaze at our Christmas tree with a heart…full!

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